Monday, March 28, 2011

Everything Unexpected..

Human Life - "Things happen spontaneously and You are clueless to react to the sudden change"

Human Nature - "Difficult to adjust with the spontaneous change"

I found that these two things conflict a lot and we are not ready to accept things. I feel being human we must be so adaptive to the things like a chameleon which changes according to the nature around it. We should be ready to adapt ourselves with the new changes that spontaneously occur in our life without giving a second thought. Things come to you when you least expect it and you really stay clueless about it. Take things in a positive way which will really help you keep going...

So tell me something which I have left off in this... ;)


  1. Yeah what you have written is very very true...I think most of us are adoptive (I and My friends). Yeah sometimes, suddenly we can not accept spontaneous changes but after it i think we accept.

    Moreover I think we are responsible for any changes in this world. Don't you think so????

  2. Yeah, you are absolutely right. Things irrespective of their nature happens when they are least expected. So, the moral of the story is to not loose hope. An inspiring and motivating blog post. And, have a follow widget here.. that will keep me updated of your latest posts.

  3. @Anonymus - Changes We are responsible?? No way I don't think so.. Changes happen when they are supposed to happen. It's up to us to be adoptive with that change.
    @Rachit Thanks :) Yeah don't ever loose hope! Be a self motivator to survive in this world! :)

