Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Attitude Makes The Difference...

One day while wandering, I came across three bricklayers. I asked the first bricklayer what he was doing.

“laying bricks,” he told me.

I asked the second what he was doing.

“Making a brick wall,” he told me.

I asked the third.

“Building a cathedral,” he explained.

A short story shared by my colleague/friend...

This speaks about the approach that we have to keep with something what we are doing right now... Well If i was bricklayer, I would had answered "These are bricks, and I am trying to build something" "that will be an exact structure only after few days"...

Because my approach towards work or any sort of thing in my life comes in hand without a shape and structure it's up to us to give a proper shape and meaning to the building that we have done with our efforts and hard-work... Start with a simple and small thing that you and finish building into a beautiful apartment/monument/museum.... :)

So what kind of attitude you have in your work/ life? :)

Courtesy : Knolskape Pvt. Ltd :)

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